Insight Inform produces evidence-based analysis of what’s happening in schools

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A suggested approach to collecting, analysing and presenting assessment data in a primary school
Develop rigorous methods of assessment to effectively support pupils to reach the highest standards, and implement accessible systems to capture, analyse and report data. Read article…
Locked into the Progress Mindset
There is no requirement for assessment systems to be built on a progress mindset, however, and every reason to think that there are more effective ways of monitoring students as they move through school. Read article…
Progress Measures Break Assessment
Levels were fine until they weren’t. Used until 2015, they provided a broad indicator of attainment at the end of each key stage and gave a notion of progress as children moved from one level to the next. The rot set in when they began to be used for accountability purposes, especially measures of progress, […] Read article…
Better or worse than expected?
At key stage 2, the national discussion is often focused on the number of children who are – or are not – reaching the expected standard. Whilst this is clearly of interest, what is happening within the two groups created by the expected standard is potentially much more interesting, as these two groups are evolving […] Read article…
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Join us in Southampton to explore the current state of data in schools and find out what works. Hosted by James Pembroke, Richard Selfridge and Josh Perry, with guest speakers.
Join us in Newcastle upon Tyne to explore the current state of data in schools and find out what works. Hosted by James Pembroke, Richard Selfridge and Josh Perry, with guest speakers.
Understanding the IDSR: DfE School Improvement and Inspection Data
The Inspection Data Summary Report (IDSR) summarises and analyses data about a school and is used by Ofsted inspectors during their preparation for an inspection. Presented by James Pembroke and Richard Selfridge, this webinar will cover: This webinar will be of particular interest to senior leaders and school governors, but is open to any education…